lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

hip hop

El hip-hop como música surgió a finales de los años 1960, cuando las fiestas callejeras o "block parties" se volvieron frecuentes en la ciudad de Nueva York, especialmente en el Bronx, debido a lo poco accesibles que resultaban para su gente los clubes y discotecas que había en zonas pudientes de la Gran Manzana, como The Loft y Studio 54.

Las fiestas callejeras se acompañaban de funk y soul, hasta que los primeros DJ's empezaron a aislar la percusión y extenderla, puesto que la canción se volvía más bailable. Esta técnica ya era común en Jamaica (en la música dub), lo que propició que la comunidad inmigrante jamaicana participase en dichas fiestas. Esta adaptación de beats más tarde fue acompañada con otra nueva técnica fresca llamada rapping (una técnica de canto rítmica y basada en la improvisación).

Las fiestas callejeras se acompañaban de funk y soul, hasta que los primeros DJ's empezaron a aislar la percusión y extenderla, puesto que la canción se volvía más bailable. Esta técnica ya era común en Jamaica (en la música dub), lo que propició que la comunidad inmigrante jamaicana participase en dichas fiestas. Esta adaptación de beats más tarde fue acompañada con otra nueva técnica fresca llamada rapping (una técnica de canto rítmica y basada en la improvisación).

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

Vampire knight :

Before speak about the surf that is one of my make keen favorites today he(she) will speak about my second favorite interest !!!

The recommendation that hare today is of vampire knight !
The history consists in:

Yuuki Cross-country race (kurosu) when scarcely she was a girl, a vampire I try to attack and to take all his(her,your) blood from him(her) her but nothing was saved mas and anything less for another vampire a young man of tender look who from this moment was creating an adoration towards, his(her,your) name was Kaname Kuran, the only one descendant from the Kuran, a family of prestige, I rescue her and take her where the director Cross, who adopted her and her(it) produced as if she was his(her,your) daughter, she(it) not tape-worm ningun remember before the incident for what for her(it) his(her,your) life empezo when I rescue Kaname.

Then there will appear another young man that also there had to adopt THE director Cross, Zero Kiriyu, his(her,your) family was murdered by a vampire and it was the only one that survived.
Zero and Yuuki grew and studied together, in addition they are the only ones of the whole academy that the night class they belong to pure vampires.

They have the duty to prevent that those of the diurnal class do not find out about the truth of the night class and to prevent someone from being irresolute. Pero Zero in addition guards a secret that it will give beginning to several events that Yuuki will not know that to do.
His(Her,Your) feelings by Kaname and Zero will be seen in a very big snarl. It(he,she) tells the history of this one to be a shoujo, attracts very much the plot and this loving trio will be something very interesting of seeing.

Diurnal class (to [edit)
* Yki Cross-country race (Kurosu) or Yki Clan (Kuran) (Kurosu Yki, Kuran Yki, 15 years?)
When he(she) was five years old it(she) was attacked by a vampire, but Kuran Kaname saved it of being devoured. This it is the first recollection that has of his(her,your) childhood. Ten years later, being an adopted child of the director of the Academy Cross-country race, Cross-country race Kaien, she is the guardian of the Diurnal Class together with Kiryü Zero. The guardians, prevent that the students of the Diurnal Class are damaged by the Night Class (in which they are all vampires directed by Kuran Kaname) or that the normal pupils discover the secret of the class Nocurna. Yüki is deeply in love with Kaname, and Zero also is inspired love of her(it). Sister of Kaname Kuran ¨ella also is a vampiro of pure blood.

* Ichiru Kiriy  (, Kiry  Ichiru?, 17 years)
He is the twin brother of Zero. Of small Ichiru it(he,she) wanted and was admiring very much Zero, but I it betray him and to all his(her,your) family because he was feeling despised due to his(her,your) weak body and his(her,your) bad(wrong) health. Ichiru remained next to Shizuka up to the moment of his(her,your) death, and was he(it) who I help to kill her to his(her,your) family, due to a hanging account(bill) that this tape-worm with his(her,your) parents. Little later that Shizuka was murdered by Kaname, Ichiru before dying confessed Zero porqué to him(her) I help Shizuka and after this it(he,she) yielded his(her,your) blood to Zero with what it became stronger as hunter of vampires.

* Zero Kiriy  (, Kiry  Zero?, 17 years)
Zero's family, they were hunters of vampires who were murdered by the vamp of pure blood Shizuka Hiou. The director of the academy it adopted also like Yüki. There together with her(it) he is the delegate of class and, in addition, there ends up by being discovered that was bitten by a vampire pure blood, Shizuka, for what he(it) turned also into a vampire. His(her,your) problem, it(he,she) is that it(he,she) cannot assimilate the tablets of blood for what it(he,she) ends up by bitting Yüki for it. He(it) has a deep hatred towards the vampires, and though he(it) loves completely Yüki, says to him(her) that it(he,she) will kill her as to Kaname for being what more he(she) hates, a pure vamp bleeds.

* Yori Wakaba (, 16 years?)
Seiy : This Kana Ueda is the companion of bedroom of Yuki and best friend from secondary. Yuuki is in the habit of being calling her Yori-chan. It is one of few girls that he(she) is not interested in the class of the night. It(she) is very observant.

Night class (to [edit)
* Kaname Kuran ( , Kuran Kaname?, 18 years in human age)
Seiy : Kishio Daisuke Vampire of pure blood, lost his(her,your) parents when it(he) was very small, though it is believed that it was a suicide, the theory of a homicide arises. His(her,your) passion is to play with a chessboard putting and manipulating the pieces so that it(he,she) could protect Yuuki; it(he,she) saved Yuki of the assault of another vampire when she(it) was small. He is a president of the Night Class, been afraid and respected by other students. Though I fry(annoy) with his(her,your) companions, it(he,she) is always nice and sweet with Yki. it(he,she) wants to Yki like she(it) to him(it), but it(he) is jealous and at the same time furiously with Zero for drinking his(her,your) blood, act that he(it) cannot do for that he(it) would tie Yuki to a destination(destiny) of too prompt suffering. He(she) excuses Zero's life in spite of his(her,your) problems because it(he,she) knows the great thing that Yki would suffer, besides that Zero is useful to take care of it and also because it would not be allowed this one so easily since though it(he,she) notices him it is only a way of having Yuki nearby. Yki and Kaname really are friends to, though Kaname does not reveal still(yet) Yki that are really brothers, in spite of having being raised like such and being promised. KanameIt(He,She) manipulates all the members of the Night Class only to protect Yki of his(her,your) worse enemy: Rido Kuran. In fact, Kaname is the ancestor of the Kuran who was woken up of his(her,your) tomb by Rido. For this reason, he(it) cannot kill him, since he would be his(her,your) "teacher", but it is necessary to bear in mind that unlike the relation between(among) Shizuka and Zero where the latter in spite of not wanting his(her,your) body was acting only, Kaname is powerfully pure blood manipulated by a hierarchy to the one that can give return to his(her,your) mercy.

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010


The skateboarding or skateboarding is a sport that is practiced with a skateboard in any part of a street where you can shoot, although it can skate anywhere, since it is a free sport. For example, pools, stairs, streets.

The only impediment is the sport street unrest of the streets: potholes, stings, bumps, ... In general, anything that might destabilize the skater. Here the objective is to seek beauty to handle, not a sport that is directly linked to some kind of competition, therefore, could be termed as free.